Friedman, Alexander
Son of Yehoshua. Born in 1919 in Kernscheit, Romania, to a religious Zionist family, he was an only child, and was determined to immigrate to Palestine but was unable to obtain a certificate when he immigrated to Israel in 1904 on the illegal immigrant ship Dorian. He was arrested in Atlit for a year and a half and immediately joined the British army, but was not allowed to serve because of liver disease. He did not give up, and after many persuasions he joined the infantry. On 22 Adar II, March 28, 1943, he was seriously injured In a car accident near Gedera, died of his wounds at the Sperand Hospital and was laid to rest at the Nahalat Yitzhak cemetery. He is commemorated in the “Yizkor” booklet of the Maccabi movement, and the Volunteer Book.