Friedlander, Eilon

Friedlander, Eilon

Elon, son of Sara and Ernest, was born on January 15, 1941, in Kfar Giladi. He attended elementary school in Kfar Giladi and later continued his studies at the Kfar Blum Regional High School. Ayalon was friendly and always Simcha. According to his classmate, he was a strong-willed child, but not necessarily a student. The separation from kindergarten and games was difficult for him and he did not like to sit in class and listen. On the other hand, he liked to deal with matters of his own choosing. Already in school it is evident in its tendency toward realism, logic and conclusiveness. Sometimes his teachers were angry that his works were very short, but he was short and precise. Ayalon was active in the Gadna-Air and spent a lot of time building gliders and models of airplanes, finishing the three stages of the course for dowries and winning the prize, for he was in the air for a very long time, and he was filled with rage when he was a child. He was a fan of music and loved to sing in choir and listen to choirs, and he played the violin and saxophone orchestra, and he was a sports enthusiast, but he was not very good at it until he decided to become a real athlete. To practice steadily in all sports and to run for miles to stifle He was also a successful trainee who had been very patient and able to analyze problems and invested them in everything he did, by nature he was shy, quiet and introverted and did not like to stand out He was a loyal friend who was very patient with his friends, He was a good son and a loving husband, and Ayalon was drafted into the IDF in mid-November 1958 and assigned to the Armored Corps. After basic training and after completing a course in the “Sherman” tank professions, his job as a tank gunner was determined and he was placed in the battalion. After a while he paid a course for tank commanders, the first commander of the “Santorion”, and became commander of a tank in the battalion. Even though he did not like army life, he was proud to have served in the Armored Corps. After completing his regular service, he was assigned to reserve duty as a tank commander in the Armored Corps. In this capacity, his commander assessed him as having professional knowledge and leadership and command ability and as a person with a sense of humor. In the Six Day War, Ayalon participated in battles on the central axis in Sinai, as deputy commander of the tank division in Avraham Yaffe’s division. After completing his regular service, Elon returned to his kibbutz and devoted himself to work in the fishing industry. After a while he was sent by the movement for a year of national service in Sde Boker. From Sde Boker they sent him to the “Kfar Galim” school in order to serve as a youth counselor and organize a nucleus for future completion in Sde Boker. While in Kfar Galim, Ayalon decided to prepare for external matriculation exams. When he returned to the kibbutz, he returned devotedly to work in aquaculture, and later decided that he wanted to study for academic studies. He began to prepare for entrance exams to the Technion and in 1968 was accepted to study mechanical engineering at the Negev University in Be’er Sheva. The first year was difficult for him, since it had been a long time since he had studied. But he persisted with dedication and thoroughness. In 1969 he married his girlfriend Yehudit, who also began studying engineering at the university and they lived in Be’er Sheva. Ayalon was a kibbutznik with a Lev and soul, and could not describe his home not on the kibbutz. The years he spent far from the kibbutz were difficult for him and he did all he could to finish his studies quickly and return home. The subject of his final project for an engineer degree was in the field of systems regulation. After graduating he returned to the kibbutz and devoted himself to his work as manager of the fish ponds. In September 1973, Ayalon and his wife traveled to Europe, and when the Yom Kippur War broke out in London. When he heard about the war that broke out, he rushed to the Israeli embassy in London to get itPlace of flight to Israel. After long hours of waiting at the airport, he managed to board the plane and arrived in Lod on Monday, the eighth of October at night. He was driven straight to the camp, where new units were organized. According to his commander, Ayalon was a good tank commander and helped him greatly in organizing the unit. A few days later the unit went up to the Golan Heights and entered the battles. On October 12, 1973, while standing in the turret and commanding his tank in a battle near the village of Khan Arnabeh, Syrian MiGs attacked the force and Ayalon was hit and killed. He was brought to eternal rest in the Kfar Giladi cemetery. Survived by a wife, parents, sister and brother. After his fall, he was promoted to the rank of sergeant. His kibbutz published a pamphlet entitled “On the Hill”, in memory of the four fallen soldiers in the Yom Kippur War, which included the words of family and friends about Ayalon; In the book “The Brigade in the Yom Kippur War,” published by his brigade, a list was published about him.

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