Friedland, Remy

Friedland, Remy

Ben Tzippora and Zvi. He was born in Bnei Brak on August 23, 1968, as a young son, brother to Daniel and Ilan. He spent his childhood in Accra, the capital of Ghana, where his father worked. Rami studied at the local kindergarten and was well integrated into the American International School, where children from all over the world studied. At the age of seven, he had already written and read fluent English and Hebrew, and had played on the school baseball team. On his ninth birthday, the family returned to Israel and set up their home in Bnei Brak. Rami completed his elementary studies at the David Remez School in Tel Aviv and completed his high school studies at the Ort Technical High School in Givatayim, specializing in refrigeration and control. Rami was a great reader and excelled in his many knowledge and general education, and as a result he was expected to have a future as a diplomat or politician, and he traveled extensively throughout the country and took courses in Magen David Adom. From airplanes, racing cars and ships, and for years his paintings decorated the walls of his class. Who was characterized by his sense of humor and a hopeful smile, for which it was easy to forgive him for occasionally exhibited youthful mischief. He was a son, brother and friend, who always can be relied upon. In mid-October 1986 was drafted into compulsory military service. He began his military career by formulating a pilot, hoping to fulfill his youthful dream and become a pilot like his uncle Jonathan Sharon. But Rami, who loved the sea with all his heart and who at the age of three knew how to swim, turned and was accepted to a Navy course. At the end of the course, he was placed in charge of the Eilat naval unit and was not happy with it. At the beginning of November 1989 Rami joined the ranks of the career army and thus fulfilled his dream of a military career. He dreamed of buying a yacht with his friends and sailing around the world. Parallel to his service in the regular army, he continued to pursue his studies and study in physics and mathematics, but did not realize this aspiration. After his death, his girlfriend, Kalanit, finished his studies in mathematics and thus closed a circle and fulfilled his dream. During a regular vacation, on February 5, 1990, Rami was killed in a motorcycle accident and was buried in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving behind his parents and two brothers. His commander: “As an officer on the ship, Rami was serious, responsible, reliable, loved and loved by his commanders, subordinates and all those around him. He fulfilled his duties with remarkable devotion and motivation. He always stood at the head of his soldiers and made them a model. In difficult and tense moments, Rami knew how to rise in his cynical jokes and improve the morale of everyone around him. Rami was an officer, whom every commander would wish for himself, as an officer and as a man. Security, personality and professionalism demonstrated to his commanders a sense of security and knowledge that there is someone to trust. “

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