Fried, Miriam (star)

Fried, Miriam (star)

Daughter of Hannah and Shlomo Fritz, was born on April 4, 1938, in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, and immigrated to Eretz Israel with her parents who settled in Jerusalem on September 4, 1938. Miriam studied at the Hebrew Gymnasium, She joined the Lehi underground, and a few days before the United Nations General Assembly resolution on the establishment of the Jewish state was seized by British police when she was affixing her organization’s leaflets. In Qishla (the central prison in Jerusalem), in Bethlehem and in Atlit, she was prevented from continuing her studies in the eighth grade, but when she was released on January 19 She devoted herself to the matriculation exams (her final essay on “the beginning of research – the wonder” attests to a considerable intellectual level and articulation). After completing her studies, she served as a combat nurse in the Lehi unit in Jerusalem, and on May 15, 1948, a day after the declaration of the State of Israel, she participated in the fighting of the Lehi unit on the way to Jaffa Gate. After she recovered, two of her fingers remained paralyzed, but she continued to serve in Lehi attacks on Malha and the Old City. The rest: “Many call me crazy, retiring, fighting without orders, but I received the order from you, the Hebrew warrior of 2,000 years ago. “If I fall here in Shdemot Yehuda, I will fall and the weapon from my hands will not be destroyed.” The next day, on the 25th of Tammuz 5707 (25.7.1948), she died with five other members in an explosion Who was buried in the Sanhedria in Jerusalem on September 20, 1951. She was transferred to the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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