Friday, Ra’anan

Friday, Ra’anan

Son of Rachel and Zion. He was born on the 3rd of Adar 5738 (March 3, 1978) in Moshav Shuba in the north-western Negev, near Netivot. A third child in a family of seven children, a brother to Shalom, Limor, Geula, Nir, Shira and Michal. Ra’anan, “refreshed” by his loved ones, was a gifted and musical child, who at the age of three taught himself to read. At the age of four he began to play the soprano flute at the regional music school, and also studied ballet dance with his sister Limor until the age of six. Later he played the organ and the trumpet. Thanks to his talent, he has always held key positions in the kindergarten. At the end of the garden years, there was a party about the Land of Israel, in which Ra’anan read from the Bible the promise of the Lord to Abraham: “And the Lord said to Abram: Go to you from your land and your birthplace, and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you: I will make you a great nation, 12: 1-2) and also recited a poem by Miriam Yelan Shtaklis Ra’anan studied at Kfar Maimon, first at the “Noam Tushia” regional elementary school, where he went on to a high school and high school in Yeshivat Bnei Akiva, In the Bnei Akiva movement in his home, and in the elementary school he had a wide range of horizons, abilities, and good memories, and he studied easily and beyond the studies was self-taught, He has read books and read books and studied politics and has acquired a great deal of knowledge on a variety of topics: From a young age, he has been able to represent his school and the moshav in quizzes on Eretz Israel, Once he was ten years old, he was sent at the last minute – just on the day of the event, without preparation – to represent the session in a quiz on Jerusalem. Two representatives from each moshav were sent to the same quiz, and only Ra’anana was represented by Moshav Shuva – and despite that he won first place. Thanks to this, he was sent to the national competition, where he won third place. In the national quiz, he was also the only competitor against pairs of competitors, and the hostess Avshalom Kor said at the end: “The two are better than the one, and the freshman did it alone.” In his Bar Mitzvah sermon, Raanan thanked his parents and teachers and said of his hopes: “… and I am grateful to my dear parents and my family, who have spared no effort and effort to raise and educate me from my youth to this day. And to the glory of the Jewish people, to the glory of the Jewish people in its ancient heritage, to all the guests who came to honor me with my joy and my hope and prayer that I will succeed in my studies to be a loyal son of the God of Israel, the Torah of Israel and the people of Israel. ” In the high school yeshiva too, Raanan was a model, loved and accepted by everyone, charismatic, caring for everyone and giving everyone the feeling that he was his best friend. He was found to have brilliant abilities to locate successful friends, but also studied well and graduated from high school with a real matriculation certificate, five units in physics and mathematics. “When I arrived at the boarding school, I met a lot of friends, but none of them supported me more refreshed,” said Yochai, a member of the yeshiva. Sitting on the side and taking you on his back and teaching you how to survive in boarding school … At first, Ra’anan simply raised us, I call it, and in the twelfth grade I think everyone rewarded him with this decision – to appoint him as Rabbi Purim … ” The last one was chosen by all the students to be a “Purim rabbi” in the celebration of the yeshiva, and the choice, which attests to how much Ehud is chosen over everyone, came to him in surprise, and this Jack grew conformedRabbi Shimon Cohen, who was Ra’anan’s educator, said: “I was privileged to receive Raanan in the 11th grade, and often he had to work hard with him. We have seen him when he takes all his strength out of power, and when he sees a friend, how are you doing, what is going on in the army, how does it develop, everything out of joy, great soul, great dedication, joy … Happy family Raise a child and such a flower. ” Raanan was a special and charming boy, modest and honest, responsible and mature in all his endeavors. A man of kindness to his family, his friends and every man. He was blessed with gold and always showed infinite giving ability without any consideration. He helped with all the housework, helped his father in his garage as much as necessary, sometimes until night, and during Passover vacations he volunteered to whitewash homes for the elderly. His friend Yaron Buskila says that he had to refresh the quality of honoring parents for whom all his friends envied him. He always told about his parents with respect and admiration, and looked down when he met them. The family was very significant for him. He also respected his grandparents, and helped the adults with every need. His grandmother Julia promised him her house, saying, “Only he dined us.” At home and among his friends, Raanan was discovered to have a developed sense of humor that made everyone laugh and laugh. Raanan loved children very much, looked after his younger brothers and nephews, spoiled them and always knew how to buy good birthday gifts. He also loved animals very much. His brother Shlomi got a dog, Dolly, and raised her with love and great devotion. The dog was very attached to him, the family says, after his death the dog disappeared from the house for two weeks. From a young age Ra’anan worked during vacations at odd jobs, and with his money he bought a newspaper subscription, clothes and more. Later, he even paid himself a driver’s license, and was the first of his friends to drive. His love of driving accompanied him all his life, and he was happy to be a “regular driver of the family” who drove everyone to their jobs. Ra’anan took care of physical fitness, used to run for five kilometers, was a member of a gym in Kfar Aza and played basketball at the yeshiva and the regional council. During his studies in the yeshiva, he traveled extensively throughout the country, mainly on foot and sometimes with rappelling – surfing the cliffs that combines the challenge of overcoming fear and walking in magical places. Raanan enlisted in the IDF on November 19, 1996, and as a “morale” Golani came to the brigade … After serving as a combat soldier, he underwent a course for commanders and a sergeant course, What the department called him Grandpa. Why Grandpa and not Father? Because it seems that Grandpa is a character from whom you learn things, listening to the stories, the moral, the ideology, what was once and what is happening now. Raanan was this character in the department. On the one hand, one who likes to help with everything, on the other hand, the guys can tell about bursts of laughter that can not be stopped. When Raanan laughed, he laughed … Fresh was one of those who said ‘Say a little and do a lot’, humble and humble. They would give him the most difficult and simple task and he would volunteer for it, and if he was not a volunteer and would have told him to, he would have rushed to do the job as quickly as possible and with the best possible results, because that’s refreshing. “Boaz, : “A shy and insecure rookie (but one who always shared with the whole platoon from the generous packages from the house …) I got to see Ra’anan becoming a skilled and brave warrior who takes care of a friend lying next to him in an ambush. And later on – to an authoritative and caring commander, the ‘father of the soldiers’, who also managed to ‘rip’ them in arduous training, and in an almost impossible combination to sit with a soldier at three in the night and console him for parting fromThe company. “In the officers’ course, Raanan was popular with everyone, and the exercises he commanded, sometimes with his friend from the days of the yeshiva Yaron, were the most successful, and they both knew how to fool the enemy successfully. Raanan served as an infantry officer for a career in the career army, and in November 2000 he was discharged with the rank of lieutenant. His last job was commander of intelligence and patrol, with specialization in driving and field intelligence. Since his discharge, he served in the reserves as an officer in a reconnaissance company. After his discharge from the army, Raanan worked at the Karni terminal on the Gaza Strip border, as a security checker for trucks, and at the same time improved his matriculation exams at Sapir College and then studied at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in preparation for engineering studies. “The important things I discovered in him were the modesty, the humility, the inner and mental calm, which is revealed to everyone around him … the light that emanated from you, fresh, could see anyone who looked. A bad word has never been heard from you, and the more I complain to you, the more you find something funny, sophisticated, and most importantly, forgetting to tell me. “Raanan fell during his service on December 27, 2001. Five days earlier, On the way back to the base, he was killed in a car accident near Kibbutz Kfar Aza, aged 23. He was laid to rest in the Netivot cemetery, leaving parents, Four sisters and two brothers, and a personal inscription was inscribed on his tombstone: “A beautiful olive tree, a beautiful fruit, called God on your behalf. “A month has already passed and it is still hard to digest the downside, the pain that is refreshing not with us … Whoever was close to Raanan He would learn from his good deeds, be influenced by his grace, who would help all those around him without asking, regardless of the time, day and night – he would learn from him to honor true and rare parents in our time. . Therefore, the main disadvantage is that we will miss the spiritual transcendence that we have won in his vicinity. “On the first anniversary of Raanan’s fall, the family published a book in his memory:” Raanan was not a man of things but in his very life – Gemilot Respect for parents, devotion to the people of Israel in military service, modesty, humility, and many other virtues, some of which were written in the book, has the same content of morality and wisdom. The book included eulogies and lessons that were said in his memory and commemorated his image. Articles were collected on the subject of the death of a young person and the subject of road accidents, as well as songs and memoirs written by friends and relatives. This book will be the book of the history of man, if we look through it in the special character of Ra’anan and his rare qualities, as Chazal said: “The main history of the righteous is good deeds.” “I do not need a stone, a book or a film to perpetuate you, because none of these things can contain you or describe you, Brother. ” Ra’anan’s sister wrote, according to the letters of his name: “Dear Ra’anan, our beloved soul / Your soul lift was high / very hasty near God / Your soul will be bundled in the bundle of life. And forever. ” In another poem, the family wrote: “Yes I had an unforgettable brother / from whom he was taken / from the world of hoI did not forget / Everything I wanted right away Nathan and nothing he took / He was all Gemach. / Raanan, Your room is so lonely / You just went so … // You’ll continue to love and cherish / Your pictures are still hanging on the wall / No I will forget your joy / And now that you are not, there is no one to replace you. ” Raanan’s friends produced a video in his memory. At the entrance to Kibbutz Kfar Aza, an olive tree was planted and a stone was placed next to it and a plaque was set up in memory of Raanan. In Moshav Shuba, the “Ahava VeAvhama” synagogue was built in a banquet hall in which Raanan, the moshav’s son, is commemorated. The construction of the hall ended in October 2011, and the verse was inscribed on the wall: “I am like a new olive in the house of God. I trusted in the grace of God forever and ever “(Psalms 2:10).

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