Freund, Chaya

Freund, Chaya

Daughter of Sarah and Joseph. She was born in 1913 in the town of Poritzk, Poland. In her father’s home, who was a Hebrew teacher, she absorbed Hebrew culture and her connection to the Land of Israel. In her youth she was an active member of the He – Chaluts movement and spent about a year in agricultural training in Werba, in the Klosowa company. In 1934 she immigrated to Eretz Israel and joined the “Ha – Kovesh” kibbutz, which later became Kibbutz Ramat Hakovesh. In the kibbutz she worked without much prominence, and was very devoted to her duties at work, although she was not used to it, and despite the harsh climatic conditions. However, she read and wrote extensively and played the mandolin and the violin. In the days of the bloody riots that opened in 1936, she was eager to participate in the watch and one of the letters she sent to her brother abroad shows her anxiety about what is going on in Israel: “After the day’s work in the hot heat before you can see each other and read the newspaper, It’s already dark, you can not light a lamp, and if you hide the windows, it’s stuffy, sitting in the dark and waiting for shooting.”On 30 Av, July 18, 1936, the kibbutz was attacked by Arab rioters, and Chaya, who was then at the observation point of the water pool, was hit by a bullet and died of her wounds. she is mentioned in Bracha Habas’s book “The 1936 Riots” and in the book “Days of Ramah “.

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