Freiman, Yehuda

Freiman, Yehuda

Son of Kata nee Katznberger and Amos (Bernard) was born on 27 May 1929 in Nuremberg, Germany and immigrated to Israel in September 1934. He completed his studies at the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem. He was gifted with special talents, studied cumulatively and his teachers gave him two classes for one academic year. He was a thoughtful and intelligent boy, who gathered children around him and became a spiritual guide and a thinker. Yehuda was a battalion commander in the Gadna and served in the Palmach in 1946. He was a member of the “Scouts” in Ein Gev and Ein Zeitim and worked as a mathematician, and was prepared to study at the Faculty of Agriculture at the Hebrew University. He acquired a lot of information on these subjects and loved to delve into them: Many of the essays and articles he wrote about current and general topics, and they testify to a clear and independent thought, dealt with various problems from a historical perspective and penetrated the depths of things, Independence Following the United Nations General Assembly resolution of 29 November 1947 on the partition of Palestine into two states, In -2.1.1948 act of sabotage village-Zaytun (olive eye Arabic). Under enemy fire, he placed explosives with his friends near the house of the gang leader. The house was destroyed and the gang leader and ten of its members were killed. As he walked back he felt intense pain in his skin and lung, probably from the air pressure after the huge explosion. He was transferred to a hospital in Tiberias where he died on January 4, 1948. He was buried in Ein Gev. On the fifteenth of Iyar 5704 (18.5.1954) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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