Frederick, Adi (Adushi)

Frederick, Adi (Adushi)

Son of Binyamin and Batya. He was born on January 28, 1958 in Holon, where he studied at the Bialik Elementary School, where he continued at the Ankori Elementary School in Tel Aviv, where he studied matriculation exams, His teachers and his friends – with his special qualities of soul, and one of his teachers expressed her impression of Adi in these words: “Adi – as his name was. Ateret Cohen was accompanied by a charming smile. He was honest and righteous. As a child, he was of a solid character, knew what he wanted and strove steadily to achieve his goal. “Another witness testified:” Adi knew how to create social connections, nurtured them in his own way and guarded them. “One of his friends noticed another characteristic of his character: On issues of society and state, was a flame-flame. His tongue advocated change, progress, openness; “Adi was a real patriot who loved the country and knew every corner of it, and was an impressive young man on the outside, and Adi found himself not only in school but also in the United Movement where he was a guide He took part in the camps, and with the Re’em group he went to labor camps in Kibbutz Matzuva in the Galilee, where he also practiced running, not for sports reasons, but to train himself for a special military service. To serve in the paratroopers, the subject of the parachutists always occupied his thoughts, he tried to read everything written about their exploits During the wars in Israel, he knew the details of the battles in which they took part, and when Adi was drafted into the IDF in August 1976, he was fulfilled and he was placed in a Paratroopers Unit. After the first basic training course, he was transferred to a contact company within his corps, which severely damaged him. But when it became clear to him that he would be allowed to fight and take risks, he accepted his new situation. His dream, too, to undergo a parachuting course, came true, and his book recorded twelve drops. Adi was sent to a squad commanders’ course, and at the end of which he was awarded the rank of Corporal. In the army, too, the qualities that he was blessed were prominent. He was prepared to do whatever he could for his comrades-in-arms. If any conflict broke out. He was the first to approach his friend and make peace. In a grueling stretcher, the stretcher bar was always on his shoulder, and he encouraged and pushed his friends to achievements. Adi envied his friends, who were allowed to enter southern Lebanon and fight the terrorists. He demanded that he be included in the same arena. His request was fulfilled, and on 9 March 1978 he boarded a truck full of soldiers, whose direction was operating across the border, and the truck encountered an ambush of terrorists and the attack.after the first strike, which shocked the occupants of the truck, was It was Adi, who jumped out of the vehicle to return fire and protect his comrades, who was wounded in mortal wounds, brought to eternal rest in the military section of the cemetery in Holon, and left his parents and brother. -His name.

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