Frank, Benjamin (Benny)

Frank, Benjamin (Benny)

Ben Walter and Rachel was born on March 30, 1955, in Kiryat Tivon. On 9.6.1974 he was drafted into a compulsory service and found a place where he could contribute as much as possible despite his health. He served in a liaison unit in a position suited to his physical ability. He underwent a course of ciphers as part of his military service. My son fell in the line of duty on the 30th of Av 5734 (July 30, 1974) – he was 19. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Tivon. He was survived by a mother and two sisters. The family published a thick booklet in his memory, mainly from the writings left by Benny. Lists, and especially songs, many songs. In one of the songs he wrote: If you know that you are Simcha, Blessed are you, with joy, your Lev will be pleased. Blessed is your smile. The key to oblivion. Happiness is the perfection of your Lev, with all your surroundings around you.

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