Fragment, Isaac

Fragment, Isaac

Son of Bluma and Leizer, was born in 1925 in Lodz, Poland. Yitzhak passed through the events of the Second World War, after which he left for Palestine on the “Bricha” route on an illegal immigrant ship. The ship was captured by the British and its passengers and Yitzhak were transferred to camps in Cyprus. In 1946 he was released from his camp and immigrated to Israel. During the War of Independence he was drafted and served in the Golani Brigade, and participated in the battle for Lubia. The village of Lubia was one of the most important enemy strongholds in the Lower Galilee – it blocked the road to Tiberias and could serve as a springboard for an attack in the direction of Afula. On June 9, Golani forces attacked the village from the direction of Sajara, and another force, in armored vehicles, moved along the road from Tiberias. The attacking force encountered fierce resistance from the enemy, who even sent reinforcements to the area. The battle was fought until nightfall and finally the forces had to retreat. In this battle he fell on the second day of Sivan 5708 (June 9, 1948.) He was brought to eternal rest in a grave in the Mishmar Ha’emek cemetery.

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