Foxman, Israel

Foxman, Israel

He was born in 1910 in Volkovysk, Poland. He studied Torah with his father and absorbed the values ​​of Judaism in his home. When he was fourteen years old, he was orphaned of his father and went to study at the Slonim Yeshiva. He stayed in the home of his relatives, and he wanted to make it easier for them by hiring himself out for any casual work. On the eve of Passover, he worked in a flour mill baking matzah by hand. Before immigrating to Eretz Israel, he joined Agudath Israel’s vocational training program in Vilna, and he completed his studies in Talmud. When his time came to come to Israel he encountered strong resistance from his family, but he did not flinch and realized his ambition. In Israel, he started working in Tel Aviv and Kfar Saba. Alongside his work, which showed great dedication and diligence, he gathered a circle around him for lessons in the Talmud. When the work in Kfar Sava was over, he moved with his friends to Tiberias, where he devoted his energies to Torah, work and guarding. He was tall and broad-shouldered and had a generous and noble soul. On 8 Tishrei, 8/10/1938, he and his friends stayed on a hill near Kiryat Shmuel in Tiberias. That night the neighborhood was attacked by an Arab gang of rioters and the Nutris rushed to its aid. Israel and his friend Zvi Haskelwitz, with whom he immigrated to Israel, were left alone, attacked by a large group of Arabs and shot to death. On that night of blood, twenty Jews fell dead in Tiberias. Israel was buried in a mass grave in Tiberias. The newspapers Davar and Ha-Boker published lists in his memory.

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