Fox, Haim

Fox, Haim

Son of Rivka – Rachel and Jacob, was born in January 1923 in the city of Krusheniewicz, Poland and was educated in the spirit of tradition. With the outbreak of World War II, the Holocaust also came to their homes. He had been separated from his parents, and since then he had heard nothing of them. Life passed through all the inferno sections of the labor and extermination camps. Three years of terror and fear were spent in the Auschwitz death camp. In 1945 he was liberated from the Bergen-Belsen camp and immediately called his sister in Israel, who remained a unit from the entire family, and asked for help on his way to Israel. He traveled to Italy where he joined the “Hanoar Hazioni” kibbutz. He arrived in Israel on the illegal immigrant ship “23 Yordei Ha-Sira” and was deported to Cyprus, where he spent four months in exile and in 1947 he finally arrived at the land of his dreams. In March 1948, he was drafted and sent to Barot Yitzhak in the Negev, where he was a member of his unit in the Negev Brigade, organized a number of plays, composed poems and was very fond of his friends, and as a member of the Palmach was sent to the defense of Kfar Darom, (11.5.1948) was brought to rest in the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery.

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