Fox, Dov Aharon

Fox, Dov Aharon

Son of Rachel and David, was born on January 13, 1925 in Jerusalem. On his mother’s side was a sixth generation of R. Ya’akov Levy, who immigrated to Eretz Yisrael in 1844. He completed his Talmud Torah in Bnei Brak and continued his studies at Yeshivat Hevron in Jerusalem and was a member of Bnei Akiva and worked in various professions to help the family. Dov-Aharon was a member of the Hagana from his youth, was a religious battalion commander in the Dan region, and was promoted to the rank of commander in the Haganah and then to the platoon commander. He stood out as stocky and cool. At the beginning of the War of Independence, in December 1947, he enlisted and participated in searches and punitive actions after the fall of the “Lamed Heh” platoon in many battles around Jerusalem, Hartuv, Neve Ya’akov, Solel Boneh quarries in Tzuba, and later served in the Alexandroni Brigade Ltwiński, Sakia, Hiriya, Arab Kfar Saba, Kakun, Tantura, and Igzim After completing another course he participated in the occupation of Rosh Ha’Ayin, Wilhelma and Kula, and his battalion was transferred to the Negev. Where an Egyptian brigade was besieged, and the attack took place on the eastern flank of the “pocket” in the area of ​​Iraq al-Manshiyya. Their siege on the tell to the north of the village was repulsed, and in the meantime the Egyptians recovered and counterattacked and forced our forces to withdraw, and some of the force was captured in the village. Kislev 5710 (8.12.1949) was transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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