Fogel, Yigal

Fogel, Yigal

Son of Fruma and Gershon, was born on 12.4.1928 in Jerusalem. Yigal attended elementary school and later began working as an electrician in the Hadassah Hospital building on Mount Scopus. Even though he grew up and was educated in a free family, he came close to religion and kept its commandments. He saw it as a blessing to man and a source of his inner perfection. Yigal was a member of the “Bnei Akiva” movement and participated in various courses and also learned to read and read in the evenings. He was a quiet, loving boy, a devoted son and careful not to be harmed. He did not even touch the worm. In the family they remember how he would take out a stray insect to avoid harming him. He was a man of peace, culture and beauty, loved harmony, was sensitive to music and listened to it a lot. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, he worked at Mount Scopus and volunteered for guard duty in the isolated place. In the fall of the many victims in the convoy that went up to Hadassah, he rushed to help the wounded who were lying in the area. When he went down to town, he immediately volunteered to donate blood to the wounded. After the siege of Jerusalem broke out, he enlisted in full service in a religious unit. All his days in the army he was a regular blood donor to the Magen David Adom. Yigal participated in many battles around Jerusalem. On the 28th of Kislev 5708 (September 2, 1948), when he stood at his post in Abu-Tor, he was hit by a sniper’s bullet and fell. He was buried in Sheikh Bader Aleph. On the 17th of Elul 5706 (August 30, 1950), he was transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem

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