Fogel, Avraham-Zvi

Fogel, Avraham-Zvi

Son of Elimelech and Leah. He was born on November 18, 1932, in the town of Riskova, Romania. As a young boy, his parents moved to Bukovina, where he completed elementary school. In 1941 the family was deported to Transdnestria and there, in the ghetto, his father died of a serious illness. Among the orphans who were saved and transferred from Transdnistria to Romania in 1943 with the aim of bringing them to Israel was Abraham, but his fate was delayed on the way and he remained in Romania. With the help of friends in the area he progressed in his studies until he received a matriculation certificate. He arrived in Israel only in 1950 and was about to realize his aspiration to complete his studies. He was humble and honest, and he always tended to consider others and not only see himself. Was drafted into the Israel Air Force in December 1952. He took a Navigator Course and was promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant, who fell during his duty on 27 Av 5714 (26.8.1954) and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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