Flesh, Meir-Eliyahu

Flesh, Meir-Eliyahu

Ben Miriam and Isaac. Was born on 12.8.1962 in the religious cooperative settlement Nir Etzion, where he grew up and was educated in the kindergarten and in the state religious elementary school. In 1970 the family moved to Nahalim and Meir graduated from the Bnei Akiva junior high school. He continued his studies at the high school yeshiva in Kfar Haroeh, where he was recruited to the IDF in October 1980 and accepted to study at the Academic Reserve. In this framework he studied electro-optics at the Lev Institute, the Jerusalem School of Technology. After graduating as an optoelectronics engineer in 1984, he was sent to an officer’s course and assigned to serve in the Intelligence Corps. That same year he married Ruth and established his home. The couple had two sons – Elchanan and Neria. Meir completed compulsory service in July 1987 and began his permanent service. In 1988 he fell ill and on 4/9/1989 he fell during his service and was put to rest in the military section of the Moshav Nachalim cemetery, leaving a wife, two sons, a parents, a sister Shlomit and three brothers – Yosef, Yoav and Avner , One of whom, Yosef, also died during his service, two years later In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote about Meir’s service as an academic officer in the fields of physics and computers: “His service left a profound impression on all those who worked with him … The staff remember with great longing and esteem his unique personality, his pleasant and friendly character, his professional skills and his high intellectual level. ” Commander: “Meir was a man with a rich spiritual world, a strong faith and a deep identification with the people and the land. He had a love for abstract and spiritual, for physics and for music. “The family has published a book to commemorate his memory, his parents commemorated his memory, and his brother Yosef remembered the establishment of a public library in Moshav Nachalim that bears their name.

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