Fisher, Zvi (Tzvili)

Fisher, Zvi (Tzvili)

Son of Malka and Elias Eliahu. He was born on November 19, 1921, in Berlin, Germany. He studied at the elementary school in his city and from 1934, after immigrating with his family to Eretz Israel, continued his studies at the Herzliya Gymnasium in Tel Aviv, the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem and the Kaduri agricultural school. He joined the Betar youth movement and joined the Betar Brigade in 1944. He joined the Betar youth movement in 1944. He fought in the Sieno front in Italy and was later transferred to the Netherlands. Zvi was known by his friends as a devoted friend and as a soldier who fulfills his role in faith. On the 8th of Cheshvan 5706 (October 15, 1945), he fell during his service and was laid to rest in the Jewish cemetery in the city of Eindhoven, Holland. He left his parents, his brother and sister and his memory was mentioned in the “Book of Volunteerism”, in the book “Yizkor” by the Jabotinsky Institute, and in the “Jewish Brigade Book.”

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