Fisher, Zvi

Fisher, Zvi

Son of Zeev and Chaya. He was born on May 17, 1951 in Petah Tikva and attended the Neve Oz school in Neve Oz. During this period he was a member of the Hanoar Haoved movement. He graduated from the Iron High School in Hadera. In his last year of school, his teacher wrote to his parents that when he tried to convince him to join together with his fellow group members for the nucleus that was leaving for Nahal, Zvi replied: “I do not want to go to a place where I do something, “He said. The guide also said that because of Zvi’s great concern for the garage, his friends’ name was pronounced above his bed, as a sign of the “sick-wheeler” (that was his nickname). The instructor remembers very well that during the year he worked with him Tzvi was very fond of his friends. In high school, he was active in the Gadna (the “Gadna”) shooting club and achieved high achievements (first place and medal) in 1967. In 1967 he went to the Gadna training course in Jalil, He also liked to read books of geography and learn from them about different countries, he was kind and always willing to help others, a devoted son to his parents and a loyal friend of his friends. He was punctual and loved order and cleanliness, and when his order was disturbed, it caused him grief, for he was a man who cared. Lamb he was doing it in trust, patience and sacrifice. Zvi drafted into the IDF in early August 1970, and reached the rank of Corporal. In the last week of November 1971, he was injured while carrying out his duties and on December 28, 1971. He was brought to eternal rest in the Segula cemetery in Petach Tikvah, and the unit commander wrote in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family: In the unit, Zvi stood out as a bold soldier with a great desire to find his place in the ranks of the fighters. He was one of the fighters with full security awareness, who took a step in the direction he had set for himself. His friends and commanders admired him and believed that he would be a commander of high stature in the future. “A plaque in his memory was placed in the synagogue in Neve Oz and at Yad Labanim in Petach Tikvah, his name is engraved on the memorial erected at the Iron High School in Hadera The school that fell in the Israeli army.

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