Fisher, Avraham-Abba (Avi)

Fisher, Avraham-Abba (Avi)

Avi, son of Bella and Nuri Fisher, was born in 1971 in Brooklyn, New York. At the age of three, his family immigrated to Israel and built their home in Kiron. At the age of fifteen, Avi volunteered for Magen David Adom in Kiron, where he underwent a first aid course and was a volunteer. Avi studied in the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva in Jerusalem before joining the IDF. At the end of July 1990, Avi was conscripted into compulsory military service in the Israel Defense Forces and to his request, was placed in the Engineering Corps. After completing many courses, Avi volunteered for a bomb disposal unit, where some of his fingers got damaged and he sustained a wrist injury. After a month, he returned to military service where he was ordained as a team commander, and was promoted to lieutenant. On the 3rd of Elul (19.8.1993), after seven soldiers from the Golani Brigade were killed in southern Lebanon by an explosive charge, Avi, as a team commander, went out to look for other explosive devices and was critically wounded. Avi was rushed to Rambam Hospital, but a few hours later his soul returned to the Creator. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Segula, Petah Tikva.

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