Fishelberg, Aharon (Aharale)

Fishelberg, Aharon (Aharale)

Son of-Esther and Shaul-Natan was born on February 16, 1926. In World War II, he stopped his studies at the elementary school and the youth was transferred to Russia, and in 1943 immigrated to Israel from Teheran, One wish he had in life was to bring his father to Palestine, who had moved to Germany, where he had been waiting for his turn, and served as a police officer in the Jewish settlements in Bat Yam and fell in defense of the neighborhood without receiving any good-bye With his father, on the 13th of Adar 2, 5708 (March 24, 1948.) He was laid to rest in the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery.

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