Finkenson, Isaiah

Finkenson, Isaiah

Was born on May 10, 1924 in Haifa, where he studied at the agricultural school in the youth village of son of Shemen and was active in the Hashomer Hatzair movement and joined the “Hagshama” group, which was composed of youth from Palestine and members of the Diaspora. During the Second World War in 1942 he joined the “Baps” regiment in Palestine, where he served for two years and later joined the Jewish Brigade, and took part in the battles against the Germans on Italian soil. Europe When he was discharged from the British army in 1946, he spent a short time in the “Haogen” kibbutz, then went to Jerusalem and studied at the Teachers’ College. He was active in the Haganah and served as a member of Kibbutz Beit Keshet in 1947. On March 16, 1948, Yeshayahu left with seven members of Beit Keshet to tour the area. They were attacked from ambush by a gang of hundreds of Arab tribesmen who surrounded them. One managed to escape to the kibbutz and call for reinforcements. The seven remaining young men fought heroically to the last ball and all fell. After three days of tedious negotiations, their bodies were returned. Isaiah was brought to eternal rest in the Beit Keshet cemetery. He was survived by his parents and sister Miriam. After his fall, his parents changed the name of their family to Abishai in his memory.

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