Finkelstein Ben-Shmuel), Yitzhak-Zalman (Inga, Piki)

Finkelstein Ben-Shmuel), Yitzhak-Zalman (Inga, Piki)

Born in Berlin and Warsaw, immigrated to Israel in 1940. He joined the United Movement at the age of 14. At the age of 14 he completed his fifth year at the Beit Hakerem high school and moved to Israel To the Mikveh Israel Agricultural School, where he passed the first of 70 students in the entrance exams, was very cheerful and diligent and liked his teachers and friends, and joined the Haganah in 1946. With the outbreak of the War of Independence he participated with the rest of the students in the defense of Mikve Israel, However, in February 1948, at the age of 16, he stopped his studies and went to Galilee to join the unit where his older brother had served, at the same time he wrote home to look after Mom and not let her leave “It’s not time for mothers to go around on the roads.” He did not succeed in getting into the army, but he did not return to school. “Since we removed the bodies of our comrades from the Yotzek, I have finished school,” he insisted. “He lived alone in an abandoned house in Holon, and at the request of his mother he took the final exams and did not prepare for it successfully, and he joined the” Erez “nucleus of Hanoar Haoved in order to enlist with him in the army. “Yiftah” in the Palmach. He went out with the nucleus to Lake Kinneret, stayed there for a short time and worked. Later, he trained in various camps for the position of sergeant. On July 6, 1948, he returned from a short vacation at home and a week later participated in Operation Dani, the conquest of Ramle and Lod and the son of Shemen battles. Yitzhak Zalman fell in a battle in Deir Abu Salameh, near son of Shemen, on 15 July 1948. He was buried in son of Shemen, and he was a member of the fighting movement that included the best of the youth. Met all the tests and served as an example to his friends in difficult situations of suffering and fighting. He fulfilled his duty with courage, because he recognized the justice of the war. “His memory was published in the booklet” Cedars Shungedu “issued by the Erez core group on June 22, 1950. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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