Fink, Joseph (Yossi)

Fink, Joseph (Yossi)

Ben Hadassah and Mordechai. He was born on 2 June 1965 in Manchester, England, the eldest son of his parents, brother of Zivia, Osnat and Rachel, named after his grandfather, the father of his mother, who disappeared in Budapest in 1945 towards the end of World War II In November 1969, the family immigrated to Israel and lived for nine months at the Lod Absorption Center, which returned to England following the death of the grandfather .In 1971, the family returned to Israel and built their home in Ramat Gan, where Yossi studied in the ” The intermediate Kiryat Herzog in Kfar Sava. From an early age, he began his sports activities, studied judo, participated in long distance running competitions and even represented his school in sports competitions. At the end of 1979, the family moved to Raanana and Yossi graduated from the “Noam” Midreshet in Pardes Hannah. In addition to his studies he was a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement. Yossi discovered a musical talent and played the harmonica and guitar. He kept his physical strength and nurtured him, loved traveling around the country and spending time with his friends. As a perfectionist, he aspired to excellence in everything he did and did what was best done to him. His relations with his family were close and warm. Yossi loved his younger sisters and nurtured their studies, which he considered a very important field. He was quiet and shy in nature and did not like to stand out. He helped many who needed it. At home, in yeshiva and in the army he was the first to reach out to help a friend in distress. Yossi worked hard in his free time and with the money he saved he began to build a library of holy books, which grew and expanded to glory. In 1983 Yossi joined the Karnei Shomron hesder yeshiva and in late April 1984 joined the IDF as part of the hesder yeshivas and was assigned to Givati’s Shaked Battalion, serving as a magistrate for his ability and physical fitness. Due to his strong desire to serve in the IDF and to prove his ability as a fighter, Yossi managed to overcome difficulties and help soldiers who needed spiritual and physical encouragement. For this he received great appreciation from his commanders, who found expression in departures and vacations at home. At 12:00 on February 17, 1986, three Mercedes cars set out for a patrol tour of the security zone in southern Lebanon, along with SLA soldiers, and about 500 meters south of the Yehon junction were ambushed by Hizbullah terrorists. And was apparently wounded and was unable to return fire or defend himself, and was taken prisoner with his friend Rahamim Levy-Alsheikh by Hizballah terrorists who were equipped with vehicles nearby.The day after the abduction, Hezbollah showed two people wearing head-to-head, And that after a day they will publish their demands, and if the demands are met, the soldiers will be released and none of them will be killed On February 19, 1986, the CBS television network in Damascus presented the personal belongings of Yossi and Rahamim, including the captives and the diskettes, and the family identified with certainty the crocheted skullcap that Yossi’s sister had knitted for about five years. On September 19, 1991, after years of official and unofficial negotiations, some 150 terrorists were released and a special envoy of the UN managed to convey the knowledge that Yossi and Rahamim were not among Life. Five more years passed before Hezbollah, with the intervention of the German government, agreed to return the bodies of Yossi and Rahamim in exchange for the return of the bodies of 128 terrorists. On July 22, 1996, Yossi was brought to the grave of Israel. Yossi lived on foreign soil 3833 days, which are ten years, five months and fourDark days and nights until he was returned to Israel for burial in his city of Ra’anana. “and sons came back to their borders”.

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