Fink, Amos

Fink, Amos

Son of Pnina and Kalonymus-Hillel, who immigrated to Israel in 1920 with the first of the Third Aliyah. Amos was born on October 24, 1922, in the town of Sambor in Galicia, Poland, and immigrated to Israel at the age of five months. He studied at the Balfour Gymnasium and later moved to the Kadouri Agricultural School and graduated with honors, after which he moved to Kibbutz Heftzi, where he was involved for many years. and at the outbreak of the War of Independence, he held responsible security positions in the Haganah defense system in Jerusalem and took a very active part in protecting the city’s extremist neighborhoods. During the second respite, he was found with his unit in the “Miss Kerry” outpost and on the 2oth of Tammuz 5707 (27.7.1948), he was shot and killed by a sniper’s bullet in Sanhedria, leaving a wife, Binyamina, and a two-month-old daughter. On February 13, 1951, he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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