Figer, Anna (Anat)

Figer, Anna (Anat)

Daughter of Irena and Victor, was born on April 17, 1981 in the city of Zaparzia, Ukraine, a sister to Igor, and attended school in Ukraine during her free time. She returned to visit the country’s first Jewish school, called Alef, for the first time Anna met with the Hebrew language, and was fascinated by her. To persuade her parents to immigrate to Israel, and it was difficult for her parents to decide on this, and Anna announced that she was prepared to immigrate to Israel alone Anna studied at a Hebrew ulpan in Yad Eliyahu and was then assigned to continue her studies at the Shevach High School, and after a while she realized that she could not learn Hebrew in this school and asked to be transferred to another school. On its own initiative, to the Ironi YD High School, in order to ensure a place of study for the next school year. She was referred to the Shevach school counselor and brought her demand to her and with her stubborn and unrelenting stubbornness, she was finally accepted to the Ironi High School, where Bertha, the teacher of her class in Irgunim 14, wrote: “1996, the first day of school, 38 A new face of girls and boys, but Anna’s face immediately caught my attention, a young girl, dark hair, big dark eyes, attentive, concentrating on every word I said.was a very obvious fact.a lot of questions Anna used to ask, She understood exactly, she asked, as if she were alone in the classroom, without any hesitation and with absolute confidence, as if all the words I had spoken were addressed only to her.was immediately clear that this was another student She wanted to be involved, to be part of her class committee, the student council, the newspaper committee, etc…. “During those years Anna wrote a lot. She liked to write novel stories and kept a personal diary. Writing in Hebrew was very important to her, she had fluent writing and her handwriting was clear and unusual. Anna was careful to speak and write in Hebrew, and was strongly motivated to match the children of the country. After one year at Ironi Yud High School, she moved to the Ironi YA high school, where she studied for three years, and completed 12 years of study with a full matriculation certificate. At the beginning of March 2000, Anna enlisted in the IDF, where she completed a training course at the Technological and Logistics Department, in the Maintenance Department, in the Changes and Improvements Department, and her commanders reported that she was a diligent, On the 20th of Tishrei 5761 (19.10.2000), Anna fell during her service as a result of a medical syndrome related to heart problems. On the eve of prematurely taking her, Anna felt great pain in her chest and stomach and was rushed to Ichilov Hospital, but there was no clear indication of her complaints and she was sent home, which turned out to be a mistake in the diagnosis and judgment of the doctors. Anna felt ill and could not fall asleep. At five in the morning, after a hard night, she collapsed in her mother’s arms. Her parents called an ambulance, but the attempts to revive her failed and she died. She was nineteen when she died. Anna was laid to rest in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery. Survived by parents and brothers who are in deep pain over the sudden and tragic loss. The commander of the unit, Colonel Yitzhak, writes to the family: “Dear Figer family, you have raised a beautiful daughter, a dedicated and devoted soldier who loved to help and help those around her,To continue her military service. Anna was sensitive and caring, and thus succeeded in captivating the hearts of the soldiers and commanders of the unit. Although she arrived in Israel only five years ago, Anna managed to acclimatize so quickly that even some of her friends did not know that she was a new immigrant. “For three years you have been part of our lives, three years that are meaningful in the life of every adolescent, and certainly in your life as a new immigrant,” writes Noga, a 12th grader at Ironi High School. During those years I enjoyed watching you in class, experiencing what was going on through your inner world and at your own pace, which you persistently maintained. I discovered a special girl, charming, sociable, kind and pleasant. We will always remember you fondly, ask and ask and ask again, until you have come to your satisfaction, until the next time. Belief in yourself, determination, devotion and the will to succeed are the qualities that helped you get on stage, at the end of the twelfth grade, and receive a matriculation certificate, which created you as a special figure in the classroom landscape. From our hearts forever. “

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