Field (Maidnik), Arie (Leon)

Field (Maidnik), Arie (Leon)

Son of Avraham and Betty. He was born on the 5th of Shevat, in the city of Baku, Romania, after completing his studies in an elementary school in the Diaspora. He joined the Beitar movement and was active in smuggling arms to Israel. Immigrated to Israel in 1947, was captured by the British and deported to Cyprus and after his death there reached the shore of the mikveh in 1948. He served in the Border Guard and served in the Border Guard for many years, when he was discharged from the army, served in the Sinai Campaign and was called to the flag before the Six-Day War, was an excellent soldier and a fighter with extensive knowledge and experience during his service in the Border Police On the first day of the battles, on the 5th of Iyar 5727 (5.6.1967), he fell in a battle that took place in Bahan-Yunis during the cleansing and occupation of enemy positions, and laid down a wife and three children, In which he was not filled half a year.was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, and his battalion commander, in his letter of condolence, noted that Aryeh had shown heroism in the battle Such as sacrifice and devotion to the task which were expressed during the battle. His name is commemorated in memory of the fallen of the booklet Lod. Also mentioned in the aircraft industry newsletter called “Skyscraper” and the booklet “Division Six Day War”.

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