Fenias, Shmuel (I)

Fenias, Shmuel (I)

Son of Chaya-Sarah and Meir was born on September 10, 1924, in the city of Khust, in Carpathian Russia (then Czechoslovakia). After finishing elementary school, the area was returned to Hungary and during World War II he was drafted into a labor company of Jews marked with a yellow badge. After a service full of dangers and hostility on the part of the officials at the front, he was transferred to Austria. Once, 200 Jews were placed on the edge of a deep pit that was prepared for burial. Of the 200 that were harvested by machine guns and fell into the excavation, only two survived. With the defeat of the Germans and the Russians’ entry into Austria, he was liberated and wandered through Germany to Italy. He boarded the ship “Bracha Fuld” and was deported to Cyprus. In 1947 he immigrated to Israel and settled down to work. During the War of Independence he enlisted and served in the Carmeli Brigade. He took part in guarding and fighting, conquering Haifa and Acre and the Galilee in the west. He was later transferred to the eastern Galilee and fell in Ramot Naftali on the 3rd of Sivan 5708 (June 10, 1948.) He was buried in Ramot Naphtali On 27 March 1950 he was transferred to the military cemetery in Haifa.

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