Felix, Avner

Felix, Avner

Avner, son of Paula and Gideon, one of the founders of Kibbutz Ein Gev, was born on 15.7.1949 in Kibbutz Ein Gev. At the age of five, the family moved to Kibbutz Ginossar, also to the shore of Lake Kinneret, and after a few years settled in Moshav Gan Hashomron. Avner was drafted into the IDF in early November 1967 and volunteered to serve in the Armored Corps, and after completing basic training, he took part in a tank training course and a course for tank commanders, after which he was stationed in the unit and served most of the time as a tank commander on the Suez Canal. The army changed Avner. He grew up, carried a great deal of sadness in him, “his friends said, and Avner was known for his excellent soldier and loyal friend, who was responsible and devoted to his job, and had mature judgment. He studied medicine at Tel Aviv University and was one of the brightest students in the class, and his brother, Hanoch and Avner, was a source of great encouragement to his parents and helped his sister, and as a student he excelled in his studies and received much praise from his teachers. The quiet, the wisdom and the seriousness that characterized it At the university, Avner devoted great interest to the political and social aspects of life in Israel, arguing with his comrades about strikes and exams, morality and values, and praising independence and individualism, saying: “Avner hated wars and loved life …” When the Yom Kippur War broke out, he did not wait for an order from the new unit, but hastened to report to his previous unit in the Armored Corps, saying that the armored corps could contribute its best to the war effort. His friends and commanders greeted him happily, and he fought as a tank commander in the bloody battles against the Egyptians. On the 16th of Tishrei 5734 (October 16, 1973), Avner was killed, and was brought to rest in the civil cemetery in Gan Hashomron, where he was survived by his parents and sister. “Avner served in the unit as a tank commander and excelled in fulfilling his duties, with professional knowledge, responsibility, dedication and courage. Avner fought with the unit during each stage of the containment and took part in the daring breakout, which was intended to transfer the war to the West Bank and defeated the Egyptian army. In this battle he commanded the tank and spearheaded the breakthrough forces that paved the way for the success forces and enabled the success of their operation. “In his letter of condolence to the bereaved family, Of Avner, his excellence in carrying out his duties, his professional knowledge and his supreme courage.

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