Feldman, Zvi (Hershele)

Feldman, Zvi (Hershele)

Zvi son of Leah and Chaim, was born on the 29th of January 1931 in the city of Czernowitz, Romania. He was 10 years old when the Nazi rule began. In November 1946 Zvi arrived with his brother to the shores of their homeland on the illegal immigrant ship “Hagana” and was sent to the agricultural school “Einot” where he excelled in his studies, but did not finish. Zvi volunteered for security positions, took a course for squad commanders, and his group settled in the Negev. On the night of July 17-18, 1948, Operation “Death to the Intruder” was carried out, with the aim of breaking through the Negev route. As part of the operation, the Negev Brigade was forced to conquer the Qawhba and Julikat outposts. The attack failed and the forces were forced to retreat. In the battle for Hulikat Zvi was injured in the leg, but continued to fight until he was wounded again in the stomach. His friends tried to drag him, but Zvi objected and asked them to leave him in the field, where he died. On the 4th of Kislev 5708 (December 6, 1948), Zvi was buried in Ruhama, and on the 11th of Tammuz 5766 (26.6.1950), was transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery in the village of Warburg.

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