Feldman (Peled), Amir

Feldman (Peled), Amir

Ben Vera and Daniel. He was born on the 27th of Av 5775 (July 29, 1975) in Meishar. From the days of his youth, Amir was surrounded by many friends and they say that he was a man who loved a friend, who devotes himself to his friends at the best of his time, and at the same time an outstanding student with deep thought. Amir began his studies at the elementary school in Gedot. From a young age he was a child who knew what he wanted, stood firm on his wishes and achieved his goals. From the fourth grade Amir participated in enrichment classes at the Weizmann Institute. Alongside his talent in science, he also discovered musical talent. For seven years he learned to play the piano and continued playing the synthesizer. Amir was very fond of performing and in his youth he participated in various bands in the fences and streets, with whom he performed at various events. In the seventh grade, at his initiative, Amir moved to the ORT high school for the science class. Amir was very fond of his teachers and friends, but when he received a summons to a new school called the School of Science and Arts in Jerusalem, he decided to experiment with something new that would open up new intellectual possibilities. Amir successfully passed the entrance exams and went to study in Jerusalem under boarding conditions. At the new school, Amir learned that he was cut off from the social life he had known until now, and was surrounded only by his studies, and even missed his family and the warm home that awaited him directly. A year later, Amir returned home to the ORT high school, where he was greeted with open arms. Amir continued his excellence track and participated in high school enrichment classes, in which he wrote a work on a subject that combines mathematics and music. The work was recognized to Amir as five matriculation units and he received the grade of 100. After graduating from high school, Amir decided whether to continue his studies in reserve. Eventually, he decided to pursue industrial and management studies and studied for one year at Ben Gurion University. It was a good year for Amir, but his grades did not satisfy him, and he felt he had to take a break from studying, enlisting, experiencing military service, and only after completing his studies. In October 1994, Amir began basic training as part of the academic reserve and joined the IDF in December 1994. Amir’s friends remember his sense of humor, his rich collection of jokes, his love for the “scouts”, whose skits he knew by heart and his love for ” “Amir was a loyal friend who helped his friends without hesitation, supported them and went on trips and rappelling, while Amir liked to talk and argue about various issues and insisted on his views, but he was open to listening, Amir was aware of his intellectual ability, sharpened it, and tried to exploit it in his mind Amir tried to combine his intellectual abilities with the possibilities offered by the artillery corps, and Amir’s commanders noted his great intelligence, his willingness to learn, and his broad horizons. Amir was killed while carrying out his duties, on the 7th of Nisan 5755 (6.4.1995) he was twenty years old. He was laid to rest in the military section of the fence. Amir left behind his parents and two brothers – Oren and Yoav. In his memory, his family published a pamphlet containing the words of relatives and friends, who warmly draw lines for his beloved figure.

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