Feldman, Asher (“Gedalyahu”)

Feldman, Asher (“Gedalyahu”)

Son of Zipporah and Moshe. He was born in 1920 in Pinsk, Poland. As a boy, he and his friends organized various Jewish youth movements and established a group of young people for the purpose of protecting the Jews of the city from attempts to attack them. At the end of 1937, Asher joined a group of his friends from the Betar branch in Pinsk, and his instructor at Betar at the time noted: “… A young boy with burning eyes, both good and meticulous, swallowing every word about the Land of Israel, its perception and its orientation were most prominent … “. He also revealed tendencies to literature and sports. In the summer of 1938 he was sent by his movement to participate in a training course in which he also trained in weapons training. After World War II, he arrived in Vilnius, under Lithuanian rule, where he spent some time in the Betar boarding school and trained others. Later on he was in German-occupied Kaunas, where he escaped and spent a long period in extermination camps, but managed to survive. In 1945, immediately after the end of the Second World War, he emigrated to Eretz Israel, joined Kibbutz Givat Brenner and at the same time the Lehi underground. On 19 Sivan, June 18, 1946, he was among the participants in the attack on the railway workshops. The soldiers managed to blow up central facilities in the area of ​​the workshops, but on the way back they encountered an ambush of British soldiers. Eleven men were killed and were brought to rest in a mass grave in the Haifa cemetery.

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