Feldman, Alan

Feldman, Alan

Son of Ida and Hillel was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, on September 8, 1960. In his hometown he studied in elementary and high school, but chose not to finish high school there, “At the age of 16 he decided to leave his parents’ home, to immigrate to Israel and join his three older brothers who were already in Israel, and he completed his high school studies at the Sde Boker College in the Negev, where he quickly became involved in social life and studies. To himself the customs of the Sabras and their tongues, and in a short time he became an Israeli in every way, and Alan spent his holidays in the Jezreel group, with two of his brothers – a friend In addition to his natural and close ties with his two brothers, he had a very strong connection with the family of Benny and Steve Blass, and was the eldest brother of their children, between the end of his studies at the Midrasha and his enlistment To the IDF, Alan did in Jezreel, working in the almond industry. He enlisted in the IDF in mid-January 1979. During the basic training period he was very motivated and even had difficulties adapting to the military framework and its demands – He did not give up. On the 20th of Sivan 5739 (June 20, 1979), Alan fell during his service and was put to rest at the cemetery in Kibbutz Yizre’el. He left behind parents abroad, and three brothers in Israel.

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