Feldklein, Abraham

Feldklein, Abraham

Son of Rivka and Ze’ev, was born on 30.7.1930 and immigrated to Israel with his parents in 1934. He studied at an elementary school in Rishon LeZion and completed a technical training course after completing his studies. With the outbreak of the War of Independence after the UN General Assembly decided to divide the country into two states, he stopped his studies and joined the ranks of the defenders. He served in the Givati ​​Brigade in early January 1948 and was stationed with his department in Gan Yavneh. On the 17th of Tevet 5708 (9.1.1948), two classes from the department left for a tour of Gan Yavne in the area, with two pistols and two grenades. Armed Arabs from the village of Abu Sawira noticed them and opened fire at them. Eleven of the patrol men were killed and Avraham among them. His body was returned the following day by the British army. On January 24, Givati ​​forces raided the village of Abu Suweira and blew up its houses. On the 11th of Tevet 5708 (11.1.1948) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Rishon Letzion.

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