Feig, Eliezer

Feig, Eliezer

Eliezer, the only son of Henya and Shlomo, was born on the holiday of Shavuot, on the 14th of September, 1929, in Romania, in the city of Sestra, where he grew up in his hometown. And the lack of internal stability constituted fertile ground for the growth of nationalist right-wing movements and the spread of anti-Semitism, and on the eve of the Second World War more than 600,000 Jews lived in Rumania, more than a third of them in Transylvania. Before the outbreak of the war (September 1939) The “Iron Guard” units terrorized the Jews of Bucharest and organized pogroms against them, and the Jews were forced to serve in forced labor until the end of the war. Half of the Jews of Romania were deported to Auschwitz, Mauthausen, Dachau, and Bergen-Belsen, and all of Eliezer’s family was taken to the camps where his parents perished. In Israel he got vaccinated, grew up and became a man. After studying, he was hired to work in the workshop at the Ziv Institute in Rehovot (from which the Weizmann Institute developed), and specialized in framing. When the War of Independence broke out, he was one of the first to enlist. Eliezer joined the Givati ​​Brigade, the 5th Brigade, which was established at the end of 1947. At the beginning of the War of Independence, the brigade’s fighters defended the settlements of the Dan region against Arab Jaffa and the villages around it, secured isolated settlements in the southern region, accompanied convoys of supplies and retaliated against Arab targets. On Pesach 5708 Eliezer took part in Operation Chametz for the encirclement of Jaffa, and a week later, at the end of April, he took part in the battle in Tel Arish, where the village of Tel Arish was located on a hill south of Holon. The village and Arab fighters who joined them frequently attacked and attacked nearby Holon, and the Haganah attacked the village several times during the winter of 1948, but the area remained under the control of the Arabs. In April 1948, as part of Operation Chametz, in which many Arab villages were conquered around Arab Jaffa, it was decided to take control of Tel Arish and Jabalya, which harassed the nearby Jewish neighborhoods of Holon and Bat Yam overnight. The fighters were assigned to the Givati ​​brigade, which was joined by fighters from the “Kiryati” Brigade. The attack took place on the night of April 29, 1948. At first, part of the village was conquered, but the Arabs called for reinforcements from the entire area, a fierce battle developed, and the Israeli fighters were forced to retreat. Eliezer was mortally wounded in the attack on Tel Arish, and two days later, on April 30, 1948, he died. He is nineteen years old when he falls. Eliezer was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Rehovot. This hero is a “last scion”. The survivors of the Holocaust are survivors of the Holocaust who survived the last remnant of their nuclear family (parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters) who experienced the Holocaust in the ghettos and / or concentration camps and / or in hiding and hiding in territories occupied by the Nazis and / Or in combat alongside members of the underground movements or partisans in the Nazi-occupied territories who immigrated to Israel during or after World War II, wore uniforms and fell in the Israeli army.

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