Feierberger, Arie

Feierberger, Arie

Son of Malka and Shlomo, was born in 1927 in Romania. With the German occupation, the boy and his parents were separated. Aryeh was among the prisoners in the detention camp in Bucharest and suffered many hardships and suffering. With the victory over the Germans and the liberation, he worked hard to get to Israel. He crossed borders and stole to France. From there he boarded one of the illegal immigrant ships and was sent to Cyprus. Where he was held for eight months. On July 13, 1947 he immigrated to Israel and settled in Rehovot. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, he joined the Palmach and joined a brigade in the “Yiftach” Brigade, and during the first truce the brigade participated in the “Danny” operation and on July 18-17 In the early days of the second truce, the “Haemek” battalion seized Shilat and the eastern part of the Korikor ridge to threaten the wing of the legion in Latrun, and in the morning it became clear that the Legion force was holding the western part of the ridge. In two directions with the help of armored vehicles, and this was forced to retreat.In the difficult retreat in an open area under crossfire, many of the fighters fell On 18 July 1948. On the 11th of Adar 5702 (28.2.1950) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem

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