Feibush, Ephraim

Feibush, Ephraim

Was born in 1922 in Berlin, the capital of Germany. He completed elementary school there and spent six years under the Nazis until he immigrated to Israel in 1939 as part of the Youth Aliyah. Here he joined the Hanoar Haoved movement and its professional training. He paid for raising poultry and even concentrated the poultry industry as an auxiliary farm in Hadera before he went with his group to Gezer. He was gentle and innocent in his love for his comrades, living a solitary life, but awake and carrying the burden as one of the designers of the agriculture and the faithful to its principles. Efraim was very close to the group and came with her to her permanent settlement in Gezer, where he was always in charge of the poultry farm. He devoted his leisure and evenings to the Haganah. Carrot was located near the Ramle-Latrun road. The legion forces in the area saw it as a threat and sought to conquer it in anticipation of the approaching truce. On June 10, 1948, around noon, the enemy force, consisting of a Legion Company, organized irregular and armored forces and attacked the kibbutz. Heavy enemy fire destroyed the defensive positions and paralyzed any possibility of organized resistance. The enemy managed to break into the agriculture and conquer it. This battle took place on Tuesday, June 10, 1948. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Gezer, leaving a wife who passed away in his wake.

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