Federman, Amnon

Federman, Amnon

Son of Tuvia and Zahava. He was born on January 7, 1949 in Tel Aviv, and when his parents reached school, his parents sent him to a religious elementary school “Emunim”, and after completing his studies in this school he studied for one year in high school He was a mechanic in the “Dan” garage and later became a youth counselor in the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed youth movement in Tel Aviv and prepared for the Nahal army, and the first seed was called Atid. Amnon himself belonged to the “Masada” nucleus and was his secretary. Completed a teaching course at Beit Berl. He was drafted into the IDF in July 1966 and left for a paratroop unit. During his service, he completed his parachuting course. Throughout his service in the company, Amnon proved himself to be the most responsible and disciplined soldier. He was not deterred from carrying out any task assigned to him. Amnon also fell ill in an ambush in the Tel-Umm-Tzuz area; This was on the 17th of Adar 5738 (17.3.1968). He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. His commander pointed out that after being hit by enemy fire he continued to fire and thereby saved the rest of the class. At the “Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed” branch in the Tel Aviv branch, named after Dov Hoz, there is a library in his memory, in which a marble plaque was placed in his memory. The “Zarkur” of “HaNoar HaOved” was also mentioned in the “Book of the Fallen” published by the Givatayim Municipality.

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