Fattal, David

Fattal, David

David, son of Sa’ida and Moshe, was born on 28.12.1953 in Nahalat Yehuda. He studied at the “Shiva” elementary school in the region, at the Mossinzon High School in Magdiel and at the “Michelle” School in Tel Aviv, and was a diligent, diligent and alert student throughout his years of study, He was also a member of the Hanoar Haoved movement in the Azor region and was the center and the living spirit of the nest, Initiated many activities and encouraged his friends to have a wonderful branch for the youth working in his place of residence, and devoted much of his time to organizing activities and trips and improving his visibility And he was an amateur athlete and excelled at playing bowling, tennis and table tennis, and David was a tall, sturdy, optimistic, cheerful, and sociable man, although he loved pranks and mischief, but he was serious David was drafted into the IDF in early February 1972 and volunteered to serve in a selected patrol unit. At first he served in the paratroopers, where he took a parachuting course and a platoon commander course. He was an outstanding soldier, an excellent explorer and a model guide. In exhaustive training and on long journeys, David was an example of his endurance friends, his professional knowledge and his high morale. As a freshman’s guide he treated his soldiers with a hard hand and demanded discipline and obedience and a lot of exhausting training, but at the same time he took care of his soldiers and was devoted to them, so they admired him as an excellent commander. David was very attached to his family and many friends. During his vacation from the army, he spent a lot of time with family members, while at leisure he spent with his many friends from the school, the army and his place of residence, Azor. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, David served as a squad commander in the Jordan Valley. His unit was immediately transferred to the scene of the Sinai battles and David commanded an armored personnel carrier in battles along the Suez Canal, on October 24, 1973. He was hit and killed by a sniper in the APC under his command. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Haifa, near the grave of his cousin, who also fell in Israel’s wars. Survived by his parents and three sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant.

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