Fares, Nazem

Fares, Nazem

Son of Amla and Fayez was born on October 25, 1957, in the Druze village of Hurfeish near the Lebanese border, a village that almost every family has a son in the permanent army. Nazem studied at the elementary school in Kfar Hurfeish and at the Tarshiha High School. Afterward, he moved to a school in Yad Natan and studied mechanics there. Nazem enlisted in the IDF in 1975, completed his regular service and continued his career in the army, and was a responsible company commander, who provided security and faith to his soldiers and commanders, The soldiers appreciated his behavior with him: At first his name came out as tough and serious, but soon they learned that the goal before him was to advance the level of the unit and to help everyone in need. He was honest and truthful, knew how to live in peace with everyone, and thus became known as a friend and a friend. He paid his soldiers’ financial debts and invited them to dine with him even in his home, despite the superiority he gave him, he treated his soldiers as friends, slept with them, He drank coffee with them and made them feel that he was one of them, and during his vacations Nazem visited his soldiers, who were hospitalized, and spent his time and energy in building the company. , Pure as the Lev of a baby, who has not yet learned hatred and resentment. ” His commander wrote about him: “As a commander and as a fighter, he acted exemplaryly, showing courage and daring in battle.” Nazem fell in combat in Lebanon during the Peace for Galilee War on August 2, 1983. He fell from enemy fire, fired from a Syrian-controlled area, and brought to rest in Hurfeish. He left parents and six brothers. Three of them serve as officers in the IDF, and Nazem is the 16th space in the village of Kfar Hurfish that fell in Israel’s wars

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