Farber, Oded

Farber, Oded

Oded, son of Ayala and Moshe, was born on March 18, 1950 in the village of Bitzaron.Oded was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early August 1969 and volunteered for the Armored Corps, where he served in the tank training course and in the course for tank commanders, first serving as a rifle sergeant, and later as a noncommissioned tank officer in Sinai during the War of Attrition. His wisdom was thorough, his knowledge was deep, he was very solid, and he was able to argue with his friends about political matters that bothered him. , His friends said, when he came home for a short vacation to spend with his family, was since Real attention to the family, but himself said very little. In summer 1972, when he was released encouraged regular service, he returned to his native village and prepared based economy established by his parents. Zila said: “Encourage loved the farm and the village. He went to work with all his enthusiasm and energy. He used to get up early, and at first light he would go out into the field. He had always been diligent. On his own, he carried out hard work, and even when he was busy and very busy, Rickam did not answer the question of a friend who came to ask for his help. “In his spare time, he designed plans for the economy and secretly coined his dreams. On the eve of Yom Kippur, Oded was called to his unit in the armored corps, and he left his parents and friends without hesitation and went on his way to the southern front, where he worked as a tank noncom. For ten days he bravely fought bravely in the battle of braking. On October 16, 1973, Oded was hit and killed during a bloody battle for control of the “Chinese Farm.” His friends say that he stood in a tall and proud turret, and in his death he made a way to the forces that broke into Egyptian territory. -was laid to rest in the cemetery in Bitzaron left behind his parents and two brothers, and was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant

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