Fanger, Eliyahu (Eli)

Fanger, Eliyahu (Eli)

He was a close associate of the Communist youth movement and later joined the ranks of the Borochovist youth in his city and Hechalutz in 1936. He joined the commune they founded in 1936. In 1936 he immigrated to Eretz Israel, as a member of the Borochovist youth movement in Petach Tikva and was active in the Poalei Zion Left party, mainly as a sports instructor in the youth branch of the party in the moshava. During the 1936-1939 events he entered the “Hashomerim” association and was active in guarding southern Israel and Migdal Tzedek. He joined the British army and was assigned to the air force, and in May 1942 he came to Israel to stay. He was taken to a military hospital in Netanya due to poor health, and on 28 Iyar, 15 May 1942 he went on a bicycle to see his friends in Petach Tikvah and was killed. He was buried in the British Military Cemetery in Ramle, and remembered in the newspaper “Nay Velt”, the journal Poalei Zion, a list of his actions and his image was published.

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