Falshel, Dov

Falshel, Dov

Son of Chaya and Leib. Born in 1888 in Russia. As a proud Jew with Zionist consciousness, he immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in the Hadar HaCarmel neighborhood of Haifa. Dov found his livelihood by working in carpentry and with respect for his wife and son. In Haifa he joined the Haganah and took part in the organization’s activities. During the bloody riots of 1936-1939, on the 26th of Tammuz (July 25, 1938), Dov fell in the line of duty and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Haifa. He left a wife and son. His name was immortalized in a booklet published by the “Ransom of the Yishuv”.

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