Falcon, Rebecca Rivi

Falcon, Rebecca Rivi

The youngest daughter of Anat and Mordechai. Born on 10.1.1987 in Herzliya, a sister to Rinat, Sefi and Haim, and her aunt, since her birth she has given her family great joy and joy – “the ultimate sister,” as her sister defined her, When Rivi was two years old, the family moved to the United States, where Rivi spent her first year in school, and after five years the family returned to her home in Herzliya, and Rivi began to study at the school “Shmuel Hanadiv” Elementary School After completing sixth grade, she continued to the junior high school “Shmuel HaNagid” and completed her studies at the ” “She was always smart and amazing in her beauty, Rivi was full of humor and laughter, and in all the educational frameworks she studied, she was very popular and always showed the time to help others and was able to hug and comfort them when needed. The circle of friends, and thus created more and more circles around her and her friends Rivi was a good friend of all, remembered the birthdays, organized events around these dates and concern about all the preparations for the parties and their implementation. Her friends rewarded her with great love, and on one of her birthdays, they surprised her when they came en masse to celebrate with her. Rivi used to invest from a lecturer in every field she loved. She excelled in sports and served as a concierge at the Herzliya youth handball team. Among her other hobbies and occupations she enjoyed listening to different types of music, loved to dance, came to the beach every opportunity and spent time with friends and friends. Her appearance was fine and meticulous, and the well-groomed exterior only added to her radiant personality and natural beauty. Rivi’s brothers followed her, enjoying her company, the imitations that amazed them, making them laugh to tears, the love, embraces, and kisses she had lavished on them, and collaborating with her “freakishness.” With Inbal, her sister-in-law, Rivi developed a close relationship with Mor, her niece, who had a unique relationship. Rivi spoiled Moore endlessly, wrapped her in warmth and love, leaving an indelible impression on her. After she left, little Moore remained with intense longing, and she stubbornly pursued her aunt and believed that she would return to her. Rivi was a devoted daughter to her parents. As a junior high school student, the family suffered a severe disaster when her father died of a serious illness. Coping with the crisis required great fortitude, but together, the family members managed to gather themselves, unite and strengthen themselves, and create a new and stable family nest. Rivi enlisted to help her mother, who remained alone, served as a sympathetic ear and supported her during difficult times. Her mother remembers how Rivi used to leave her encouraging notes expressing her concern and deep love. On 18 August 2005, Rivi enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Military Police Corps and completed her security training course, was successfully assigned to the Taiz Battalion, and served as a security examiner at the “Sahlav” company stationed at the Tarqumiya checkpoint. Her role in love and professionalism and her commitment to contribute to the country’s security Despite her difficulties, she insisted on remaining in the company, and even gave up a medical certificate that exempted her from her duties. ), And she is twenty years old. She was laid to rest in the Herzliya military cemetery. She left behind a mother, a sister, and two brothers. Her words engraved on her tombstone: “There are no more days, only memories remain, opposite the sea of ​​dreams Moon will not shine.” A eulogy for the company commander: “Rivi, we metAnd for the first time six months ago when I entered the company. I knew a smiling, brave, stubborn and courteous soldier. As the months passed, I was exposed to your heroine standing up to the difficult challenge of defending the home front from the terror attacks on the separation fence, with great investment, day and night, rain showers and sun rays. I was exposed to efforts to encourage morale and social cohesion. I understood who it was. Only yesterday I took you back to the company from Kiryat Gat, the nearby town. As usual, we shook hands, exchanged smiles, and always let your gaze speak for itself. You were like that – doing a lot and talking a little. You will miss us so much in our family, the Orchid family, in the joy of life, in your occupying and full of light. “She remembered Rivi Rinat, her older sister:” Rivi – the most beautiful girl in the world. Daughter, sister and beloved aunt. And everyone’s best friend !! “The day you were born is the day on which the Almighty decided that the world can not exist without you,” said Rabbi Nachman of Uman, “You have believed and clung to religion and faith.” On your last birthday you were twenty years old and when I thought of what you wish for a little sister, I found this sentence and it suited you from all the other blessings because it is so true, the sister I wanted so much that I asked my father and mother, and Spie and Chaim had each other and I wanted a little sister who would always be there with me, The feelings, the doubts, the longing, the love, the pain, and the memory … in everything! … We have to learn how life goes on without you, without Z Touch your face and hands, no hugs, caresses, glances, kisses, obsessions, imitations, laughter, and love showered on us all, and Moore is looking for you and do not understand ‘where interest?’ “In the army,” she replies to herself, “The light and the joy that you brought into our lives went out the day we were told that we would never see you again, your sorrow, the pain and the longing to take with you, and we had a greater pain. I hope you are with Dad now and that it ‘s good for you … that you kiss and hug him hard for us and smile at us from afar … day will come again and meet me again, my beauty … love you forever, my little sister … rest in peace. Rivi’s sister-in-law, Inbal, the wife of her brother Sefi, said goodbye to her: “How will we deal with all this sorrow / you, little sister? The heart does not stop longing / The head does not want to understand what has changed. , / In your room, your bed, / and live our lives on hold, / that maybe one day you will return / and we will be able to see your face again, your smile, your laughter, / and we will be able to live again. We do not understand him / / do not understand his / her meaning, / but he accompanies us in our lives / / as your memory. In a letter of consolation to the bereaved family, Lt. Col. Doron Neuhaus wrote: “Despite the constant difficulty involved in the grinding operation, Rivi performed her role professionally with a smile on her face at all times, and she always had access to help and listen to her friends . ” “When Rivi was already in ninth grade, I found her sitting on the stairs one day,” wrote Shimshon Haas, the handball trainer at the Shmuel Hanagid Junior High School: “Rivi Falcon was and remains a beautiful and sensitive girl in my eyes, full of joy on the outside and sensitive to the pain of others and her own pain. I sat next to her and asked her why she cried, and she told me about her father’s deteriorating health … It was exactly one day after I got up from the shiva on the death ofmy father. I told her about it and touched her heart … I told her that if my father had been given the opportunity to open his eyes for a moment and ask me for something, he would have explained to me that it was the law of the world and asked me not to disrupt the course of my life because of the terrible mourning. ‘And so it must be that your father,’ I said to her, ‘sends you a similar message from his sickbed in the hope that you will not interfere with your work, your studies, your daily life.’ Rivi’s brother, Remy, reminisced: “See your pictures smiling, laughing, modeling and making fun, and going crazy that there will not be any new pictures of you in new places, with extras To our family … I would give anything to see your children, and also to see my children. I miss you terribly, every passing day is coping with your lack, with the desire to dial you, just for fun, to hear you laugh and tell me what you did that day, the checkpoint, the guys at the base. I miss coming to the mother’s house on Friday to open the door and see you running to me and jumping over me … I miss the period when I would come back from the army with Inbal and you would come into our room and just make us a crazy stand-up show until my jaw ached with laughter. I miss the stupid fights we had, which would end in ten minutes with crazy laughter. I miss seeing you fretting over Moore with love … I remember you every day, and every time with something else. … I will remember you forever because you are amazing in every possible way, and my sweet little sister. Love, remember and miss you, your older brother, Sefi. “Rivi’s best friend, Liraz Avraham, wrote:” How dear would you be to me in this life? We always knew how to guard each other. I always told you everything, because I knew that only you could trust. … You always loved people with all your heart, you always helped people who needed support, you knew how to help them. … you would turn a world for me to be good. You were the angel who guarded me and I know that even now, when you’re up, you look after me … I’ll remember you all my life until the day I die. I love to win. “Rivi’s fans opened a Facebook group with pictures of Rivi, announcements about events in her memory, eulogies and memories. Rivi is commemorated on the website of “Rishonim” high school, and in a memorial presentation prepared by the “Shmuel Hanagid” junior high school in honor of the fallen school graduates. Remembering you. / And then the sadness rises and spreads in me. / I remember that you laughed and supported, and you never hurt me. / Only you understand, / And you were there by my side. / In the sad, happy moments. / And how do the days pass, and you are no longer with me / And how did you go forever? // I never understood, / never felt, / never experienced / lost, of someone dear. “And for the first time I understood / and the first time I experienced, / knew, / that I never wanted to know …” Another company wrote: “A year has passed, a year has passed, the world continues without you … And you’re gone. Not here to understand the meaning of loss. Not here to feel the pain. To hear the silence that so rattled among them all. You were not here when the tears ran out and you were not here to comfort us. You just went. … You were alone in an unfamiliar place, not close to you … and we were not there with you as todayYou’re not with us. “I wish we could have the time to be there with you, so maybe you could be with us now.” About six months after her fall, a friend of Rivi wrote to the company: “Half a year of endless questions. … Time really does not heal the wounds. The wounds are open, and I can not find the strength to go on … I see your crazy smile, your long flowing hair, and there’s no one in the company who does not miss. … There are probably things we will never understand … I just hope you find the rest you were looking for … You cut your life – but you cut off a lot of life. The tears have dried up, but the heart is wounded. “I love you forever.” Sister Rinat wrote: “Rivi, my little sister, I am full of memories with an abyss in my heart, with a sparkle. Of hope and a lot of pain. I have thoughts of everything that could have been … the long-awaited liberation, traveling abroad with friends, going to school and moving in. Celebrations and celebrations, weddings and alliances, our children play together on holidays and shared walks. You know that you will never come back again and that I have to deal with the loneliness and the fear that Libby has penetrated … How do we get through tomorrow, where do we go from here, you no longer look white, now all that is left is the longing and the memories … I missed you so much, my little sister, I did not have twenty years, I wanted you to be here with me, to share with you the pain and the secrets, Aim and strengthen you in your way as you strengthened me in my way, even without your knowledge. I was hoping you’d be good at my side and requests that you no longer like the love of a sister! I love you forever, my little sister, and miss you hurt. “

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