Falah, Salem

Falah, Salem

Ben Fatma and Ali. He was born on December 27, 1962 in Beit Zarzir-Elahiev. Salem grew up as a beautiful child, blond with blue eyes, a special child in his modest Bedouin family. Many of the sons of the Falah family served and served in the IDF’s fighting forces, and Salem’s family knew Salem’s uniqueness and was very proud of him, and his father was always proud of him and was proud to present him to his Jewish guests and especially to his kibbutz friends. And his brothers, younger than him, were jealous of him and of his fame and love.Salam’s father had many expectations from his son, and so after Salem studied for several years at the elementary school in Nazareth he enrolled him in a religious boarding school in Metula. A Jew has better conditions and the level of studies there is higher And he loved to entertain his friends in the family home.After completing his studies at the boarding school, Salem studied mechanics at a vocational school, and as a boy in Beit Zarzir, Salem liked to travel on his bicycle and spend time with him His friends from the village loved to take care of the horses and also ride them, and rode the tribe’s herd in early April 1984. Salem volunteered for army service. He served as a tracker, and according to his commanders, was “serious, professional, adhering to his missions in a remarkable manner, was very motivated and was an excellent soldier who performed exceptionally well.” In 1991, Salem enlisted in a career army and participated in various missions as a tracker. On March 16, 1995, during an operational patrol on the Trans-Samaria Highway, a car accident occurred and Sergeant Falah fell while carrying out his duties. In the same incident, Lieutenant Colonel Pinhas Abo was also killed and two other soldiers were wounded. Salem was brought to rest in the Beit Zarzir cemetery. He left behind a woman – Falah, five children – Amir, Inas, Shahir, Shuruk, and twelve brothers and sisters – Faiza, Naifa, Aida, Zakih, Maher, Ahmad, Muhammad, Amal, Nu’ad, Sabri, Nadia and Dina. He was thirty-three years old when he fell. She expressed her longing for her father, Salam’s daughter, Inas: “Dear father, wonderful father, / He suddenly walked away from us and did not come back / Your image is standing before us / Your smile, your pale blue eyes / The flowing blond hair. In the heart of everyone. / Before you went, / And space and burning pain in our hearts left. ” After the death of Salem, his son Amir wrote a few words in his memory: “My father’s family and my father’s lovers!” On this sad and sad day, on the occasion of the fortyth anniversary of the memory of my father, “Abu Amir,” the divine decree was shot and hit our man. My beloved family, my beloved family, my beloved family, my beloved family, my beloved father, we will always remember you as a compassionate and compassionate father, and we will be able to achieve all that you hope to achieve in both your studies and success. The pure of our Father, our brother and our beloved, and we are to God, and we shall return to Him. “

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