Falah, Raphael (“Fifi”)

Falah, Raphael (“Fifi”)

Ben Hanna and Amos. He was born on the 16th of Tishrei 5716 (21.9.1956) in Herzliya. He is six years old and has a family of eight. Raphael attended the “Ben Tzvi” school in Herzliya. In his spare time, he was a sports instructor at the youth club in Neveh Israel in Herzliya, and in mid-August 1974, Rafael was drafted into the army. He successfully completed his basic training course and was assigned to the Ordnance Corps, where he served initially as a counter-quartermaster. Raphael had a lot of technical knowledge in the framing profession and was therefore assigned to the position of a locksmith in the unit workshop. At the end of his regular service, he was assigned to the reserve unit of the anti-tank forces. in the air Force. On December 5, 1993, Rafael was called up for active reserve duty and went to his unit in Ketziot in the Gaza Strip for operational employment. On February 25, 1993, Raphael fell during his service. He was thirty-seven years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Herzliya. Survived by his parents, five brothers – Eli, Victor, David, Mordechai and Shlomo and two sisters – Zipora and Yaffa.

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