Ezri, Danny

Ezri, Danny

Danny ben Yael and Pierre was born in Switzerland on the 30th of Kislav, December 14, 1974. In 1994, Danny’s mother died of a serious illness. Danny’s ambition was to volunteer for the naval commando – the 13th squadron. He trained himself for this and successfully passed the formulation, but it became clear that he had to wear eyeglasses, and therefore he was unable to serve in the naval commando unit. In March 1993 Danny enlisted in the Israel Navy, volunteered for the Naval Training Course, successfully completed the course, and was accepted to serve on the Navy as a deck officer on the Devora. Danny, together with his crew, won first place, and in his military service, Danny knew how to combine, as commander, authority with human responsibility for his subordinates, and he took care of everyone and dealt with their problems personally, without harming the performance of the missions. Only two weeks after being assigned to the position on board the ship, on March 29, 1993, the ship engaged in operational activity off the Gaza coast. When the operation was over, the ship moved north toward the port of Haifa and a crew was sent to the deck of the ship to secure a rope, when a huge surge suddenly surfaced and swept the deck, severely injuring the two officers. Danny was mortally wounded in the vertebrae of his neck and lost consciousness. He was transferred to Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, completely paralyzed, but his mind is amazingly clear. Even during his stay in the hospital, when he was paralyzed, Danny showed tremendous will and fought for his life for two months. On Sunday, the 1st of Sivan, May 26, 1998, Danny died at the age of 24. He was brought to rest in the military section of the Shavei Tzion cemetery and was survived by a father, sister and grandparents who had parents,

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