Etzba, Abraham

Etzba, Abraham

Son of Rahamim and Adele. He was born on January 23, 1943 in Jerusalem. After graduating from the ORT high school and became a technician. During his free time he helped at home with all kinds of work and inventions. Thought and study invested in manual labor that requires special precision. He had a tendency to make sketches and draw paintings. He was physically fit, loved sports and specialized in running. Participated in several competitions, as evidenced by the signals and certificates he left behind. He was active in the “Mahanei Ha’olim” movement in the Jerusalem branch; He also belonged to the “Galil” nucleus, which was about to complete Kibbutz Mahanayim in the north (Upper Galilee). In October 1961 he was drafted into the IDF, and on the fifteenth of Shvat 5723 (February 9, 1963) he died and was brought to the eternal rest of the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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