Eshel, Shlomo

Eshel, Shlomo

Son of Tadeusz and Helena. He was born on March 9, 1942. He immigrated to Israel in 1957, and shortly afterwards came to Shefayim in the framework of the Youth Aliya and continued his studies in the agriculture until his induction into the IDF. He was accepted as a member of the kibbutz, engaged in sports, played basketball and was a member of the Hapoel table tennis team of Shefayim. In addition, he liked to engage in underwater fishing and even set up a rowing club. Shlomo was drafted into the IDF in July 1961. After completing his army service, he joined the IDF, and graduated from the IDF with the rank of lieutenant in 1967. After his discharge from the army, On September 8, 1969, he fell in the course of his mission in the daring operation of Tibua, two Egyptian torpedoes in the Gulf of Suez. He left a wife and two children. He was brought to rest in the cemetery in Shefayim. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan told him and his friends: “Deputy Shlomo Eshel and his friends plant vineyards, but they do not always see Prime, they build houses – sometimes they do not return to them. Now, after the Six-Day War, this is the third year they have been deployed on the banks of the Suez, the Golan Heights, the Jordan Valley, and the Jordan Valley – fighting for Israel’s welfare and future. Sword and fortify the strongholds of the borders, ready to fight in the sea and under the water, and in the infantry units – adhere to their path and are loyal to their mission to give their people In his homeland. ” The commander of the navy wrote a letter of condolence to the family, including the following: “One of the outstanding officers and fighters in the corps was Shlomo, and as a soldier he was found to be responsible and faithful, efficient and dedicated to his work. He did not hesitate to return to service in the Israel Defense Forces when he was asked to do so, because he understood and recognized the importance of his service and the size of his contribution to his unit and to the soldiers. “The death of Shlomo is a great loss to the unit, leaving a void and sadness in the hearts of its fighters, who hoped to see him returning and taking command in a central and senior position,” he said, With a rare exhaustion of his virtues upon the completion of his last mission, for this difficult and careful task we have taken upon ourselves, he has come out with a whole Lev and soul, with pride and confidence. Was endowed with all the same qualities, the combination of which led the warriors to perform impossible “It is possible that knowing that the image of Shlomo exemplifies his comrades, subordinates and commanders, and that his exploits are a source of inspiration for actions aimed at adopting Israel’s security, you will find solace.” Kibbutz Shefayim published a pamphlet in his memory bearing his name.

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