Erotches, Aharon (Roni)

Erotches, Aharon (Roni)

Ben Esther and Joseph. He was born on the 28th of Shevat 5736 (30.1.1976), ten minutes after his twin brother, Assaf. Ronny grew up and grew up in the city where he was born, Jerusalem. His mother said that he was a delicate and sensitive child. It was easy to make him happy and he could draw pleasure from all the simple things that surrounded him – the family, the nature around him and animals. Roni’s parents, who were sensitive to his love for animals, allowed him to raise a dog, hamsters, fish and more. Roni was fascinated by them, took care of them and nurtured them. He liked to go to the zoo often, and television programs about animals attracted him too. Ronnie thanked his family for taking his hobbies into account and he was able to express his feelings. The family was his favorite place to talk to his older sister Dana and play with his twin brother, Assaf. Despite the difference between the two brothers – Assaf was more confident and extrovert while Roni was quieter and introverted – there were warm and brave friends among them. They began their studies at the “Yefe Nof” elementary school and together they continued in the “Ziv” junior high school. Their paths separated in high school, when Ronny continued his studies at the Lady Davis High School in the administration. In his spare time, Ronny loved to practice sports – playing soccer and basketball and practicing athletics. Together with his brother, he liked to play on the computer, watch television, listen to their favorite music and go on trips with friends in the car Assaf drove. Together they also planned their entertainment, when Assaf, for the most part, adapted himself to Roni’s requests. In August 1994, Roni enlisted in the IDF and began combat training in the framework of the Border Police. Roni found it hard to fit into the rigid and demanding military framework, and in his daily military routine he sensed the lack of home and of his family. Roni fell during his army service on Monday, October 7, 1994. He was buried in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, and Roni left behind his parents, sister and brother.

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