Erme, spear

Erme, spear

Daughter of Carmela and Shlomo. She was born on March 14, 1982 in Zichron Ya’akov. Hanit was born in Hillel Yaffe in Hadera and grew up in a warm and loving family. Her nicknames were sneezing or sneezing. From her infancy she was a smiling and happy child. From the age of four, Hanit studied at the “HaRoeh” kindergarten in Zichron Yaakov, then went to first grade at the Yavetz State Religious Elementary School in Shibuva, where she participated in the sixth grade in the “Yahad Science” project, where she taught second graders with difficulties learning. From 7 th to 12 th grade she studied at ORT Shomron in Binyamina and was an outstanding student in the real track: five units in mathematics, English, physics, chemistry and computers, with scores above 95. Hanit loved to help everyone she wanted, In preparation for the tests, she gave math lessons to students of all backgrounds, who was an exemplary student, diligent and diligent, who liked to study, and always scored a hundred, and if she scored a lower score she wanted to take the exam on time B. In order to improve, D “on one side of the page and on the other:” Amen, Amen! ” She was the daughter-in-law of the teachers, and later on, her younger sisters called the teachers by her name. Hanit participated in every fundraising project such as “Door Knockout”, “Variety” and so on. In the twelfth-grade book she wrote: “A spear is something special, everyone will be willing to reach out. With grades, she is a fool, because she is a really smart girl. She and her sister Sima, who were two and a half years older than her, grew up as twins: They spent time together, shared clothes they bought, shared all their experiences. , And during the afternoon they helped the parents with the care of their two younger sisters and for the children, for whom they were like small mothers, and in her spare time she liked to read books and listen to lectures on psychology, and she loved to ride horses, listen to Mediterranean music and other genres and dance. From her childhood, Hanit made a living on her own by babysitting, and during the summer vacations she worked with children in the ghetto Ron and community centers. The couple Yariv, who kept their children, wrote to her family after her death: “Hanit was not a regular babysitter for us, and as soon as we met her, it was clear to us that this was a devoted and responsible girl, But when she told us her high school grades we were no longer surprised because we learned that we knew that Hanit was just a wonderful girl, and moreover we felt proud of her achievements despite the fact that the credit It was clear to us that her wisdom, her talent, her responsibility and her easy nature would bring her We hope that you will be strong and continue to be a wonderful family, especially because that is what Hanit would like. ” Hanit joined the IDF on 7.11.1999 and went through three weeks of basic training in Julis, where she said: “A woman of an excellent personal level, ambitious, diligent, diligent, excellent grades, sociable … take and not give up! “She was spotted in the Intelligence Corps for an electronics track, and in December she took part in a Computer Technician course at Training Base 15 with six other girls, who were the first class of this course. Hanit completed the course with great success, was assigned to a contractual unit and mapping as a computer technician and was responsible for training and assimilation of software in the unit. In this capacity, Hanit gave a miracleFor everything and always with a smile. She had many ambitions and plans to move forward, to combine initiative and leadership, but these were cut short in their hearts. Before her enlistment, Hanit wanted to study law as a lawyer, but her family did not have the economic opportunity to do so, and her mother promised that after the liberation she would pay for her studies. During her military service, Hanit studied the psychometric exam on her own, but did not have time to take the exam. On July 16, 2001, at around 19:30, when a bus stopped at a bus station in Binyamina, an Arab terrorist detonated an explosive charge he was carrying on his body. As a result of the explosion, Hanit and First Sergeant Avi Ben Harosh were killed. Six other people were injured in the attack, among them a soldier. “In your death you saved three civilians who were standing next to you,” a relative told her. Hanit Erme fell during her service in the attack near the train station in Binyamina on July 16, 2001. She was nineteen when she fell. She was laid to rest in the cemetery in Zichron Yaakov. Survived by her parents and three sisters. After her death she was promoted to corporal. Hanit was supposed to arrive at her house every day in the evening, and when her parents noticed that their daughter had not arrived on time, they went to wait for her at the train station. At the same time they heard about the attack. For hours the parents waited at the train station until the announcement of her death came. Dozens of residents of the southern neighborhood of Zichron Yaakov arrived late at night and made an order around the family home. “A spear was light in the house, she always smiled and said to me, ‘You should be happy with the joy of life,'” her mother Carmela said with pain. “What joy of life do I have now?” Lieutenant Colonel Moti, the unit commander who served Hanit wrote to her family: “Hanit came to my unit in January 2001 as a computer technician, after completing a course for computer operators at the Modiin School of Technology. She was very popular among her friends and was happy to help and assist in every mission … We will remember the spear always in our hearts as a symbol and a model … “Hannah Lapidot, educator and coordinator of the layer Of the fifth cycle, eulogized her: “… I see you spear A girl who has been blessed with all the good that exists in man – wisely, with honors in her studies and excellence in every field, a girl who stood out in her pleasant manner, with a broad heart, a girl who knew how to be a loyal and loving friend – A special girl … A beloved spear, modestly, modestly, with great devotion and loss, the last meeting between us was on Friday, I saw you smiling as always, proudly telling about your military service, and I did not know it was a farewell meeting. “Rachel Pustevsky, her physics teacher, eulogized her:” … the precious, charming spear, the best spear that excels in every subject and in everything in the past tense. is it possible? A cruel, heartless hand abruptly cut off the life of a noble soul. Spear, it was so easy to love you. You were so sociable, modest and pleasant. You have always loved to help others. You were so talented, excelled in all the subjects – in physics, in the Bible, in literature, in chemistry, in English, in mathematics … You were an excellent student … You opened a door in the room where I taught, you peeped and I was so glad to see you that I stopped the lesson and went out to embrace you and kiss you … I am in pain over the great loss and crying over the cruel fate. ” Her friend Hadas wrote: “… you are supposed to be here, with us, between us, you are supposed toAnimals and your life to continue to wash us with the light of your face and your charming smile, and pull us on, forward for life. How did they take our spear from us? You always came to us for help: anyone who needed support – you were there for a sympathetic ear, giving wise advice and all that you did quietly, Modestly. You’ve been so successful! You will not come with us to parties anymore, we will no longer guide you together at the summer camp, we will not meet again on the train to the base, we will no longer solve math exercises together, we will no longer be chatted. “I did not know the spear personally, but from everything I heard and read about it, I became acquainted with a young, graceful and gifted young woman who was a great promise.” Hanit’s story touched the hearts of many, including MK Yossi Sarid, who wrote to Hanit’s parents: For the future. I know that we can not alleviate your terrible pain, but in those bitter days I would like you to know that our identification with you is full and profound. “In the memory of Hanit, a memorial book was written and published in the Southern neighborhood of Zichron Ya’akov in memory of Hanit and Avi Ben Harosh who were killed in the attack. Binyamina train was set up in memory of them near the site of the attack.

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